Your Friday Night starts here! Kickstart the weekend with epic £4 drinks deals all day on Fridays! Choose...
Book NowEscape the rain and keep the kids (Big or Little) entertained all Autumn with an unlimited crazy golf pass from...
Book NowFeeling festive yet? You can save 15% on all Christmas Par-Tee Packages this September. Simply book online...
Book NowDitch the boring dinner and drinks and get competitive with your boo! No code necessary, just book online. Date...
Book NowThis ones for the Students! Thirsty Thursdays have arrived. Quench your thirst with Epic Drinks Deals at...
Book NowA game of crazy golf for two people and a pizza* to share for £25! Double the fun for a fraction of the...
Book NowSave BIG every Sunday at Mulligans! Where 4 can play a game of golf for just £25! Family tickets...
Book NowIt's always 5 o'clock somewhere. But when it hits 5pm at Mr Mulligans its cocktail time! Enjoy two of...
Book NowAll Emergency Services, NHS staff members & Armed Forces personnel get 10% off with Code: 999! As a massive...
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